July 19, 2014

Typhoon Glenda aftermath

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own any of the aftermath images! These were taken from news websites! :) 

from megacities-go-services.com
from: paulbade.com

So, I posted a coupla' days ago that I would be uploading a few reviews. Sadly, that didn't pull through because 30 minutes after that post, the typhoon hit and all the lines and electricity went dead. It's been almost three days and a lot of places are still experiencing blackouts, no water, and no electricity. Thankfully we only experienced a day of blackouts and phone lines were restored today.  If you have time and the resources to help out and donate please do.... ---> DONATE NOW! 

Now, for the readers, please be patient. I am trying to catch up on all the promised reviews. I already have them drafted and am putting the finishing touches on them. (be warned I totally finished Aurora Reyolds Until series...) Yes, I'm addicted to the Mayson boys. 

While the storm was going on I was able to read about 10 books in total so keep watch because it'll be a load of reviews coming your way! :) Just let me finish up with a little touch ups on the reviews ;) 

And thank you for all the book review requests I keep receiving via email and twitter! :-) 

Keep safe, 


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