July 27, 2014

Review: The Prince's Ex by Nadene Seiters (Warning Spoilers!)

Title: The Prince's Ex
Author: Nadene Seiters
Pages: 200
Publisher: Createspace
Source: Kindle / Author
Amazon | Goodreads


Amelia Radley thought she had it all when she met a man in a bar and he ended up being royalty. Their love affair was anything but boring, and yet he dumped her almost exactly a year after asking her out to their first dinner date. While the wound was deep and fresh thirty days after their separation, she picked up the morning paper only to see that the man she thought she loved had already become engaged to another woman.

Her best friend, Tina, suggests the only thing she knows would make her feel better. Amelia should start dating any man she meets that she likes so that she can get over her ex. The idea is ludicrous, and yet Amelia agrees to a date with a man she has never met before. All the while, she considers herself nothing more than the prince’s ex, a woman who could not hold the affections of every woman’s dream.

When she finds love in an unexpected place, it’s challenged by the past and the future looks rocky. Amelia’s insecurities might get in the way of her finding true love, in more ways than one.

I was given a copy of this book directly from the author for an honest review.  So here goes...

Story starts outs with meeting the main character Amelia who as the title entails is "Prince's Ex", Malaysian prince that is. Anyway, the story starts out with a coffee conversation between Amelia and her best friend Tina, who is basically a slut (there's no word for it). Amelia is trying to recover from her one sided breakup with Simon, Prince of Malaysia (?) she is then persuaded by Tina to go on various dates with various guys from Tina's phone book. First few dates are an absolute disaster. But then Peter, their regular coffee barista ends up asking her out for a cup of joe (not from his coffee shop) and the two hit it off. After which Amelia ends up ditching him for someone else and the two do not see each other after a few weeks where Peter saves her from a fight with her ex, Simon. The two then reconcile and ends up dating....

But Amelia isn't the only one with issues. Peter has a secret that will break or save their relationship. And from then on the story goes as their adventure to win a happily ever after together.

Now, what I thought about this book. Honestly, it just wasn't for me. I gave it 3 cupcakes but honestly I would give it a 2.5 if even possible on my rating system.

At the start of the book yes, there were parts that were funny and I found myself totally engrossed with the events of Amelia trying to get over her breakup with Simon. Those dates she went on c/o of Tina were freakin' hilarious. BUT after I guess a few chapters in I started disliking Amelia so much I just wanted it to end. I found her character very selfish, self-centered and vain. She seems too obsessed with the political and social status of the peers around her especially guys she will date. At the start of the story you notice her many times putting Peter down or not giving him a chance in the world because she thinks he is just a barista but when she finds out the truth thats when she gives him a chance?!  When she mentions Peter calling her a gold digger, I wanted to scream, Yes, yes, you kind of are. There were parts throughout the story I just wanted to smack her!  I'm sorry. But yes, there are redeeming qualities to her character escpecially how protective she was of Olivia. :)
Peter, I absolutely loved Peter's character. Sweet, charming and loving fellow that he is. 
The character I liked most of all was Tina! I wish she had a story coming up for her it would be very interesting seeing her fall in love. :) 
I also found the story very dragging and basically towards the end it felt like just going through the pages just to get the story done. So few times do you come by a book you think needs a prologue novella and The Prince's Ex is one I would most definitely recommend a novella prologue to be written just to get a better feel of HOW she became the Prince's Ex.
 I feel that the book has so much potential but it just needs to go through a better editor (?) maybe, maybe not. Oh well. I recommend it though for you all! 

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