January 17, 2014

Charming The Prince by Teresa Medeiros


(from amazon.com)

The story starts out with our heroine Willow at a young age awaiting her new stepmother along with her father. Little does she know her new mother has a “present” for her, a bundle of step brothers and sisters. Her new mother isn’t what she’s always wished for, she is vile and runs the household with greed and no regard for Willow’s welfare as well as her father’s. She has outcast Willow to serve as a nursemaid to her step brothers and sisters. Her father is forced to hail to every whim of the new lady of the house and so forgets his beloved daughter. After almost 20 years, we stumble upon Sir Barron who is back from the war in France and has been hiding in his study to relieve himself of the wrath/pranks of his 10 relentless children. He sends out his right hand man to search for a suitable wife and lady for the household to help him deal with his band of merry tots. His squire comes back with the lovely Willow.. from then on the story goes about on how the children take to Willow. How she wins the hearts of both the master and his subjects in the castle. In an epic battle within the castle involving wooden arrows carved from tables in the lady’s quarters, secret passages in the castle, bowls of fig pudding, singed mustaches and beards, a squealing pig, 10 tiny soldiers, a warlord, an army of full grown soldiers.

Only when the flames shot higher could he make out the gentle swells filling out her breeches and tunic and the inky cap of curls that clung to her head. Lady Willow gazed boldly up at the window, making no attempt to hide the bow in her hand. or the challenging jut of her jaw.
Hollis shook his head torn between shock and amusement. “You’d best devise a new battle plan, my lord. For it appears your lady has decided to join the game.”
Bannor flexed his powerful hands on the window sill. “This is no game, my friend” He swung around, his eyes gleaming with a raw excitement Hollis hadn’t seen since King Edwards signed the treaty with the French. “This I understand. This is war
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